My birthday celebrations have started early this year, with a great weekend! Peter came up for it, and very kindly brought a contribution from the Nursery in the form of these golden blooms. . .

Then we went for a great lunch at 'The Falls' in Henderson. Followed by Art Gallery visit and then Palmers Gardens. . .

. . . before going to the dinner party at Cath and Gordon's which was on a WATER theme.

. . .and after Queen Neptune and Captain Pugwash, there's always a couple of fishy sorts in every crowd. . .

. . . and someone who can't get enough of the sea. . .

Here we ALL are, enjoying a cornucopia of different Thai dishes and each other's company: From left - me, John and Naomi Cowan, Catherine Gardner, Helen, Gene, Cath and Gord and Peter. What fun!