Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Latest photo of the church

Well, NOT LONG NOW, and I'll be in Atlanta, GA, with some old friends and family. Yippee. This was last weekend, at our place, for the church gathering. I love that having so many children makes our group look pretty big. It was a good meeting, much of it taken up with planning for the coming weeks, and for my trip to see Gene and the other folks from churches around the globe. Hard to believe it's happening.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Guy Fawkes Night

Well, last Saturday the church met at the Boyds for the Annual Guy Fawkes extravaganza. I think we had 9 kids and similar number of adults. Barbecue first, and then a gumboot throwing contest. FINALLY it was dark enough to start laying out the fireworks. THis could be the last year New Zealanders get to fire off their own personal supply, so it had to be good!

The adults look on from a safe distance. . .

while the kids pick through the loot and select the most prestigious ones: "Fiery Balls of Fire from Dragons Breath" titles etc.

Our own resident pyromaniac instructs the children on care around fireworks. . .

while those who are less agile sit quietly and wait. . .

while pyromaniac begins the demonstration. .

slowly working closer and closer towards us with the lethal display. This is the catherine wheel attached LOOSELY to the nearby tree

while Jan and others look on. . .

and Helen and Wai watch from safe distance. . .

Here they are then . . .

you can just make out the shape of the manic fire starter who had lost it by then!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The brothers skit last Sunday

Last Sunday afternoon, we had a meeting wherein we had PAUL (in chains), Titchycus and Epaphras present - and a teddy bear called Onesimus. Yes, the brothers finally put on their skit, and we had ELEVEN children present to watch it (until they grew bored), and they exceeded the number of adults in the audience. The bros did very well, and said that they themselves learned a lot about the whole Ephesian story just by putting the skit together. It's a shame that they couldn't find a larger sheet for Mark!!