Monday, November 06, 2006

Guy Fawkes Night

Well, last Saturday the church met at the Boyds for the Annual Guy Fawkes extravaganza. I think we had 9 kids and similar number of adults. Barbecue first, and then a gumboot throwing contest. FINALLY it was dark enough to start laying out the fireworks. THis could be the last year New Zealanders get to fire off their own personal supply, so it had to be good!

The adults look on from a safe distance. . .

while the kids pick through the loot and select the most prestigious ones: "Fiery Balls of Fire from Dragons Breath" titles etc.

Our own resident pyromaniac instructs the children on care around fireworks. . .

while those who are less agile sit quietly and wait. . .

while pyromaniac begins the demonstration. .

slowly working closer and closer towards us with the lethal display. This is the catherine wheel attached LOOSELY to the nearby tree

while Jan and others look on. . .

and Helen and Wai watch from safe distance. . .

Here they are then . . .

you can just make out the shape of the manic fire starter who had lost it by then!


Jada's Gigi said...

fun stuff! Is this a holiday of some sort?

jayjay said...

Ha ha, Cheryl, the things we CELEBRATE ! No, it's not a holiday, but every 5th Nov is the night we celebrate a man called Guy Fawkes attempting to blow up the British Parliament way way back - a couple of centuries ago. In my childhood that meant making a Guy out of old clothes stuffed with newspaper and parading him around the streets in a wheelbarrow before putting him on top of a bonfire and setting fire to it! Then came the sausage sizzle and fireworks.