Friday, July 13, 2007

A glimpse of sun on a crisp winter day

The storm has blown itself out! There's flooding up North, but down here, I only have to clear the yard of fallen twigs and sweep. I had to rescue my only new Hyacinth, which was a little battered but still beautiful.

Then I visited the house being built by Habitat for Humanity for the Pene's who are part of our church.I found Kohe painting with a roller, the ensuite to their main bedroom. The five kids will be able to spread out over the other three bedrooms - yay.

Hard to get a decent photo of the house which is still surrounded by mud and building debris. . .
but there's a great big lounge which also has the dining room as part of it, and the sun streams in through the glass doors.
Here's a couple of guys (from various churches around Auckland) painting and constructing the kitchen cabinets.
Aw, it was great to take a pile of fresh scones over and check progress. Mark and Steve from our group have been over some weekends helping build.

1 comment:

Jada's Gigi said...

how exciting!!