Monday, November 30, 2009

Gardens and potmitts

There IS a certain wildness to my homemade gifts AND my garden. This was going to be a table runner, but it didn't work out, so I made the padded flowers into pot mitts instead. If I apply my favourite word 'quirky' to them, they are okay.
. . . and down below is the back porch scrubbed down, but needing some more I think, to rid it of the slippery surface inevitable in any house in Auckland.
Meanwhile, by the back wall, my garden is blooming. Those are the tomatoes, and the spinach plants.
and the lettuces and baby carrots, with a hint of radish in front.
And nearer the weed end, are the yellow beans and silverbeet. Grow garden, grow.

1 comment:

Jada's Gigi said...

Your garden looks great but your pot mitts are delightful!