Sunday, May 07, 2006


How I like these early crisp mornings, on a Sunday, when you can just come out at leisure and make your coffee and sit and view the sun rising through the network of branches on the front lawn.

This is my studio, next to the kitchen, in which I struggle through a variety of tasks. I'm heading in to AUT where the better computer is today though, AFTER a bit of a leisurely Sunday start.
This is the alternative view in the morning, and I did sit here, with coffee and crumpets and enjoy the neighbours back yard and the slightly frosty feel to things. Ah, well, I'd best get to planting those black Irises for Spring and readying myself for some work in at the Uni.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, i don't know if you can use the word "leisurely" in conjunction with any reference to the time YOU get up at on sunday mornings...