Thursday, August 23, 2007

Three International Visitors. . .

Young brother Phil has arrived back from California with son William to celebrate Dad's 80th in a week's time. This was them on the first day here (yesterday) with Magda happily squeezed between brother and Dad at the kidney-shaped table at the parental abode.
Ah, lunch, and the delights of family humour bandied around.
Pretty typical sight, Dad waving walking stick around, William playing puzzle, Mum digging for cutlery. . .
Mum and I . . .
and that same evening I went to enjoy Hazel's company over dinner with Cathy at Heather's place. Did I say that right? Four of us enjoyed each other's company, over a delish meal at Heather and Steve's home. Just the girls. Hazel is here from Canberra for a few days.

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