Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A birthday Opal from Afar. . .

The Opal is a Symbol of LOVE and HOPE. . . and I was sent this lovely stone - my birthstone - by dear friend Linda in Canada, who has given me a pendant and ring of hers to wear. Linda is struggling through a battle with cancer, and if ever the words Love and Hope could be applied to someone, they are the essence of my dear friend's existence at the moment.
I have taken these photos of the pendant, to show her, and to remind me of one who has such a sweet walk with the Lord, and all she writes of these days, is that precious relationship. "I turned to Him this morning, and all I saw was perfection".
. . . I am so honoured to wear my friend's jewellery, and that it is an opal is especially sweet. It is my hope that I am constantly reminded of her faith and the Lord that she treasures so dearly.
THANK YOU LINDA, for your life - one that I have been privileged to share. Like the opal, full of mysteries and changes, and hope and love.

1 comment:

Deborah Fantasia said...

What a truly precious gift !