Sunday, July 06, 2008

Mid-winter Christmas Dinner

Here we are gathered on a dark and stormy night (last night) for our annual Mid-winter feast. The theme was loosely - "NZ Pioneer", which meant an assortment of shawls and long skirts for the women, and swandri shirts and hats in some cases, for the men.
We all pooled the food, which was two casseroles, roast vegies, and salad . . .
and the fire roared all night, keeping at least this large room warm. We tried a Citrus hot toddy as well, which warmed the cockles of the heart.
And to follow, I'd made a lattice applie pie, which we drowned in cream, and managed to finish off completely.
Then after a game of 'SPOONS' which got rougher and rougher, John entertained us with cheek music played against the hollow of his mouth with a teaspoon. I attempted to contort my own face to make music but only created laughter.
and Helen thought she was staying out of the shot, little realising it was actually SHE who was the subject, bless her.

1 comment:

Jada's Gigi said...

sounds like fun!