Monday, September 12, 2005

Tr ip to the zoo

Yes, what you see is MOST of the church in TE Atatu, Auckland on a trip to the zoo last Saturday. The Trasses couldn't be there, nor could Tracey, but ALL the rest of us are under the elephant. And yes, we do have the real elephants, but things have become so pc these days, that you need binoculars to see them. Hee hee. Gone are the days of small cages and various mentally unhealthy animals - thank GOD.
We had a great time, four hours in all, wandering around and investigating wild beasts. The kookaburra was the most interesting, and had a mouse in its beak, but still managed to 'laugh'.
Warn out and needed a wee rest when we got back.
Wish you could have been there, anyone reading this!


Sarah said...

I guess the only way I could enjoy a trip to the zoo, is if it were in NZ with a bunch of kiwis!

Didja see that there is a Wallace and Gromit movie coming out?

Oh Chook!

jayjay said...

I'm going to see it!! With a byline like "Something evil this way hops" how could we miss it??
Hope you get to see it too.