Thursday, September 04, 2008

Old family photos

Everyone has these - the old black and white family photos slowly losing quality over time. Mum gave me a little pile of them tonight, mostly for my own album, but there are some for each of us, and I've scanned them and thought I'd put them up here for a bit of nostalgia. This is Steve, me and my lil sister Helen (bug) in the pre-Phil days, when Helen's hair was tufted up with some water and a comb.
And this is the longest and thinnest I think I'll ever get. Not sure why I'm holding Kanga or what I am doing to her, but be sure it's not good.
Big bro and I used to spend hours playing chess on the verandah at Grandma and Grandad's at Opaheke.
We two oldest are off to school in Wanganui.
I like the matching striped pants and colour. Mesmorized by a story even then.
The old trademark jutting eyebrows beginning to show. . .
and the everlasting infatuation with photography and pictures - even taken with Dad's old electric razor before I owned the real thing.


Jada's Gigi said...

You were a cute little girl...:)

Sarah said...
