I have some confessions to make, so I'll use this blog as my 'confessional' and hope for some form of absolution since I'm coming clean! The last few months have been more or less utterly devoted to cycling - the joy of getting out on the bike and heading off somewhere with a thermos and cushion. Summer here has been conducive to that state of mind as well, with many clear summery days and long weekends. It occurred to five of us a weekend ago, that we were all heavily influenced by Enid Blyton, and the Famous Five adventures, and that maybe this was a latent but now surfacing response to that childhood bedazzlement.

Glancing at the pictures and gaffawing at the story afresh, it seemed obvious that that was what we were doing.

Ah, look at this bicycle! Spinning off on another important mission, to save the locals from the Nuclear scientists or the Germans!!

Confession 2. I've been reading a lot of books like the ones in the picture. In fact, these ARE the books beside my bed. I can't believe how many of these are at the local libraries! There must be droves of fantasy/horror/romance writers all frantically tapping the keys even as I write this. So, ask me any questions you like about vampires or lupus, and I'll do my best - there's a commonality about their abilities and physiques that starts to show after a few reads. I'm hoping to completely drown my system with such stories, so that I reach an end to the interest and move on to higher and better things. That's the nature of the Jeffries gene anyway - obsess, watch endlessly (or read endlessly), get suddenly tired of, never watch/read again.

The previous two confessions ought to explain why there is so little evidence of creativity in this blog - unless you count the shortbread I made a few days ago - below. Mmmm. Full of ground almonds.

. . . but you'll notice as Autumn starts stretching her fingers toward us, that my once fruitful pots are all looking a bit limp and struggling. . .

. . . this used to be termed 'potted colour'.

And typical of Autumn, we have lashings of apples, and the tail end of some wonderful nectarines, which are on the way out. How I LOVE nectarines!

However, THIS delicious joy is not seasonal! On the days I work from home, here's my perk up in the morning. Espresso coffee!