Monday, March 02, 2009

BBQ at the Middletons

After putting off the Christmas bbq with friends this year, we've finally had the promised get together, and this time it was at the home of Caroline and Garth. A special treat because G and C have such a beautiful house, made and designed by Garth. (When Jan left at the end of the evening she was heard to mutter to my sister, "Back to our hovels!" ha ha). This is Beverley and Sean and their girls, with Helen and Jan, in the main lounge.
Linsey and Merrill were there for the first bit, such lovely girls too! It was Merrill's birthday, and I was reminded of the fact that she's the only child I've ever SEEN into the world.

Funnily enough, the men ALWAYS end up outside at the barbecue. It's a relief really, because it means that having a bbq is equally shared effort by males and females.
All these women had made their salads or desserts and now could just catch up. This is Caro (whose house we were in), Cathy, and Linda with her daughter Rosie.
Finally we were able to load up our plates.
After we'd had a few highly successful games, this is the tail end of the party, going. Gord, Cathy and Peter.
Hamiltons on the way out, and Cathy and I. I'm still in my high shoes, which is why I look like I'm towering over everyone.
Naomi, and Jan and Helen, with the luxurious kitchen rolling away behind.

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