Thursday, April 16, 2009

Toadstool Time

There are a number of good things about Autumn - here in Auckland it's about the best season. Light winds, blue crisp days, still enough heat in the sun to sit outside on the porch and have coffee. And I feel sudden urges to bake and have people over. Yes, I'm bragging now - that's yesterday's effort on the top of the stove cooling: apple pie, pork roast, lasagne and berry shortcake from the left over pastry. I'm having the Aussie rellies over for dinner tonight and am all set to heat and eat.
Meanwhile out on the front lawn, strange things have been happening - weird vivid balls have been rising from the grass and dotting the section with colour.
Some unfortunate creatures have even attempted to eat them.
It's all a pleasant compensation for the falling leaves and encroaching winter.

Later that same day. . . .
And here we are at the end of the day - Ma and Pa, Trev and Margo, and moi. All food accounted for.

1 comment:

Jada's Gigi said...

Yum! that stuff does look good! and I love the toadstools...You post some every year but i still can't quite believe they are real and I am not looking t Alice's Wonderland. :)