Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy? New Year. . .

Well, it's an interesting way to start the New Year, and my feeling is that if my back is to the wall, I can only move forward, right?
Came home early from holiday today because was told that we had been burgled. That was some long trip home. Indeed, my Mac computer, monitor, keyboard and mouse, gone. Will have to look at getting a job.
And a message on answerphone that dear friend Linda in Canada has finally passed on to be with the Lord after a year's dealing with cancer.
One BIG mercy in all of this is that the necklet she gave me was not among the jewellery taken. I'm wearing it now.


Sarah said...

oh dear Lord.
oh dear.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so sorry, how horrible about your stuff getting taken, thank goodness you had the necklet !!!

At least your friend is in a much better place with no more pain !

Happy New Year, may (the rest of it:) be prosperous and joyful !

Jada's Gigi said...

Oh Jen!!! Lord!

nikitazden said...

Yuck! A friend of mine walked out of her house once to see some guy rummaging in her car. She hesitated and then said, "hey!" He jumped back and said, "Uh...ummm...I'm sorry. It was an accident!"

Crazy, huh?