Monday, March 24, 2008


Now don't get me wrong - I love chocolate. This is a scan of what I have left to eat sometime. I think I'll find someone to share it with. . .
Quite HOW chocolate got mixed up with Easter I don't know. The pagan egg symbol works for me, because it speaks of new life. I guess I can make chocolate mean JOY and divine food, and that's all part of the great celebration. I'm hoping that when we are all gathered around the Wedding Banquet in the culmination of the Ages, there will be chocolate in front of me as well. Guilt-free of course, because I can't get fat. It reminds me that my Lord has a great sense of humour. Years ago, when first I encountered Weight Watchers - in my early years of teaching in my twenties, and joining my flatmates in an effort to keep our figures trim - it was a spartan diet indeed. All I remember of it was cottage cheese and tinned tuna, and lots of lettuce. I remember coming home from a WW meeting, feeling despondent and slumping down on my bed and reaching for my Bible for a bit of comfort. Imagine my delight upon flapping it open, to find my eyes falling on a section of Isaiah where it said something like, (describing the marriage supper), "there shall be meat with fat, and wine on the lees" - the very things I'd been told to avoid. I roared with laughter, and still get a kick out of that. And believe me, I'm counting on those words being totally, 100% true!

1 comment:

Jada's Gigi said...

:) yes there must be chocolate in heaven!